Sign language alphabet- 20% Week one

This week was amazing because I learned the whole ASL alphabet and I learned a couple of important signs to know when talking to someone. The struggle I had this week was learning some of the signs. Some are a bit tricky like I had a hard time remembering the letters R,K,M,N and S because R and K are tricky cause I didn’t know where my fingers went and it was even harder trying to remember where they went. Then M,N, and S because they are all very alike and it’s hard to remember which one is which. My adjustments for next week will be sitting in my chair not talking or getting distracted by anyone, and this time I will be listening to music to help me focus better. I left off on learning how to talk to people and learning important signs. I’ve already learned hello, goodbye, love, and what is what I have learned so far.

The 3 Celebrities

Malachi Barton, Rudy Pankow, and Taylor swift are three people I would invite to dinner because these are some of my favorite actors and singers. First up Malachi Barton. Malachi is a famous actor that played in Stuck in the Middle, and Dora and the Lost City of Gold. He is one of my favorite characters in Stuck in the Middle because he has a very energetic mood and personality. He is always acting crazy and running around which I can relate to. The second person I would invite to dinner is Rudy Pankow. Rudy played in Outer Banks as JJ the blonde, caring, and outgoing person. He has stared in Outer Banks, and Uncharted. He is one or my favorite actors, he has amazing acting skills and is in my favorite show. Lastly I would invite Taylor swift because she has some really good songs. When you listen to her music it just makes you happy and cheerful. Taylor swift is also an amazing performer. She has very talented singing abilities and makes the best songs. I would sell anything to see one of her concerts.

My Exciting Spring Break

Spring break was really boring but there was a couple exciting things. The very first thing I did during spring break was my friends birthday party. We went to the spectrum and watched the new Shazam, It was really good. After we walked around and went shopping. Then we ate at P.F Changs. After we finished eating we left the spectrum and I stayed over at a friends house. On Sunday I went to brunch with my mom, step dad and my moms friend. I went to target afterwords and got a couple things. On Monday we went bowling. It was such a fun time I only won one game but it was still very fun. The other two games we played my brother and his friend one. After are time went out for bowling we went across the street to boomers. We played a bunch of arcade games and won some prizes. On Tuesday and Wednesday I stayed home and relaxed while watching my show. On Thursday I went to dinner with my family. It was such an amazing time. The food was delicious and I loved being there with my family. On Friday I went to Jo Hanes and got fabric for home economics. Then I went to my dads house and played games. The rest of the weekend I was at my dads. We played board games to whole weekend and watched some movies. Overall spring break was very exciting.

Rad Reading – February

The book I read this month was Just Roll With It by Veronica Agarwal and Lee Durfey-Lavoie. Just roll with it is about a girl named Maggie that is staring her first day of 6th grade and doesn’t know anybody. Until she meets this one girl named Clara. They get along very well and understand each other. They always have each others back, when they were being bullied they helped each other out. I would definitely recommend this book it teaches you to never judge someone based off what they do or how they look. But what in the inside. My favorite character was Maggie, because she was so confident and was scared of anyone or anything. Maggie’s character trait is confident “Who cares” said Maggie. This proves her character trait because she was standing up for herself and her friend when they were being bullied. My favorite line quote is when Maggie got in the car and her sisters girlfriend said “did you make a friend or a enemy” I thought this was funny because my mom asked me that question on the first day of school.

The Horrible Accident

One sunny afternoon I was walking to the bay in Newport beach with my friends, to go swimming and paddle board. Once we got there I got this weird feeling in my gut that something was going to go down, I just ignored it. Because I wanted to have a fun time with my friends. We all set up the chairs, towels and umbrella. Then ran to the water like it was our last day alive. “Splash” came from every part of the water. We all raced to the dock, then sat on the edge while my mom took a picture. we all jumped off after a few photos and selfies. We then decided to grab the paddle board and mess around. We were all pushing each other of and splashing water at everyone. My mom yelled from a distance “tine for lunch” she packed turkey and cheese sandwiches with chips and juice boxes. We all relaxed on the sand and enjoyed the nice breeze. Some people finished before others so they already started to swim again. “Ahh” screamed my friend. We all turned are heads towards her as she was laying on the sand. I ran over and realized she had just been stung by a jellyfish. My mom came up right behind me and carried her to are spot, as my friends and I ran to get a lifeguard. He treated the wound and told her to constantly treat it at home, by washing it with hot water and salt. Lucky no one had to pee on her. We finally called it a day and helped her to the car, we all packed up while she waited for us. We put the stuff in the car and took off. As we were driving home my friend had started to cry, we all were very confused. We asked her “what’s wrong.” She just couldn’t believe what had happened and had just started to process everything. We all giggled silently. That was a beach day we will never forgot.

Only For a Day

The possibilities are endless when your invisible for twenty-four hours! If I was invisible for a day I would hop on a plane to Hawaii. Because I’ve always wanted to visit Hawaii. Hawaii is such a wonderful, tropical and beautiful place. If I went to Hawaii i would go snorkeling, get Piña coladas, and swim with sharks. Because if I’m invisible they won’t eat me. The second thing I would do if I was invisible is go shopping. I would just take my moms credit card and go shopping. Because shopping by myself is very peaceful. The final thing I would do is go to one of my family members house or my friends house and see what their day is like. Because some people have interesting lives and it would be cool to see that. Kind of like living from their perspective. I wish I had a day to be invisible but I don’t think that’s going to happen.

Abandoned all Alone

life on my abandoned island is perfect. Let’s talk about how I even got here, one night I was walking home from the grocery store. Then the next thing I now there’s a car coming towards me going very slow. They stopped and someone jumped out and began to run towards me. They grabbed me and shoved me in the car. I don’t remember anything after that besides waking up on this island. But its amazing here No one to bother me and I can do whatever I want without someone telling me I can’t. But I do miss my family a lot. All I’ve every really done here is run around in the sand, swim in the water, and play games. When it’s gets close to dinner time I usually go to my mango tree and pick 2 off. Then I catch a fish in the water and cook it over my fire. I can’t imagine anything better than my life.

Happiness is Possible

I think this quote means happiness can be found even in the sad times when one only remembers to make that happiness come out in the person. This quote is very relatable because sometimes there’s something that brings me down but someone is always trying to make me happy or smile again. No matter how sad I am someone in my life is there for me and can turn the light on. For example when a family member or friend Passes away your really sad. But your mom or dad or anyone in your life is always trying to help you feel better. Which is like saying they turned on the light in your darkest times. Another example is when you trip and fall and hurt your self pretty bad, and you start crying. Someone is running over to help you get up and turn the light back on for you.

Rad Reading- January

This month I read Allergic by Megan Wagner loyd. This book is about a girl named Maggie that wants a dog really bad. But finds out she can’t get one. A new neighbor moved into her neighborhood, and they quickly became best friends. But when her new friend gets a dog Maggie gets very jealous. Will she be able to put her jealousy aside and get her best friend back? I loved this book because Maggie has two younger brothers that bother her sometimes and I can relate to that. Except I have one younger brother and one older brother. My favorite character was Maggie’s mom because Maggie’s mom always knew how to help Maggie, and was always super kind to her. “Want me to read to you” said Maggie’s mom. She was being nice to her after her doctors appointment which i thought was sweet. My favorite line quote was “breath in and out” I like this quote because she was nervous and its a food way to calm yourself down when your stressed or nervous.

My Hero

My hero is my mom. Not just because she’s my mom but she’s always trying to make me a better person everyday. The first reason why my mom is my hero is because she always tries her hardest to make me laugh and make sure I had a good day. She can always make me smile even when im upset, and helps me with anything that im going through. The second reason is because she is always willing to give me advice. If I ask her about something she knows the right thing to say every time. Even if its just asking if I should buy a shirt she always knows what to say. The third reason is because she makes fantastic food. Her food has something about it that is so good. She always knows what to cook on what day. The last and most final reason is that she is amazing. She always can make everyone smile, with one smile from her its like your whole day has changed. She so kind and sweet. I don’t even know what I would do without her.