My Hero

My hero is my mom. Not just because she’s my mom but she’s always trying to make me a better person everyday. The first reason why my mom is my hero is because she always tries her hardest to make me laugh and make sure I had a good day. She can always make me smile even when im upset, and helps me with anything that im going through. The second reason is because she is always willing to give me advice. If I ask her about something she knows the right thing to say every time. Even if its just asking if I should buy a shirt she always knows what to say. The third reason is because she makes fantastic food. Her food has something about it that is so good. She always knows what to cook on what day. The last and most final reason is that she is amazing. She always can make everyone smile, with one smile from her its like your whole day has changed. She so kind and sweet. I don’t even know what I would do without her.

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